Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tell me something I don't know

Every now and then the news likes to come out with a story to tell viewers the health benefits of chocolate. And that's news? Duh! I've been saying it all along! This time, though, there are physical benefits, and it doesn't just come from dark chocolate - although experts (like me) say the darker, the better.

This study occurred in Germany with 20,000 people over eight years. What I want to know is how do I get into one of these studies?! I admit, I may be a bit biased, but I would commit 100%.
Just ignore the last sentence in the article. It ain't true! [o=

Monday, March 22, 2010

Have you laughed yet today?

Here's someone who has! This is probably the best video on YouTube. It never fails to put a smile on my face. If you need a pick-me-up, I promise this will do the trick. Enjoy this little guy!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hot Chicks!

With Easter fast approaching, stores are stocking up their shelves with colorful little treats. One treat that goes way back is the Marshmallow Peeps. My Grandma loves these sweet little chicks but do people still eat them? Some people just use them to decorate (My other Grandma). I don't mind eating them, but I like them a little stale. They're a bit tougher, I find.

So what do you guys do? Eat 'em? Decorate with 'em? Blow them up in the microwave?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

RIP Frank Sarris

The world lost a little bit of sugar yesterday. Frank Sarris, candyman and owner of Sarris Candies in good ol Canonsburg, PA died. This man created my favorite chocolate that I have ever eaten. Do you know how monumental that is?

I worked at Sarris Candies for a year or two in high school as an ice cream scooper. Sarris also made his own ice cream. I've been going to Sarris for as long as I can remember and I will continue to go to the old-fashioned ice cream parlour and candy shoppe until the day I die.

Sarris was a local hero. Just stop inside the store and you will find endless pictures of the people he's met: Presidents, celebrities, athletes and everyone in between. Sarris always kept his business local and gave back to his community. The new Canonsburg Library is being built in his name. He's won Pennsylvania Small Business Owner of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, and Philanthropist of the year, just to name a few.

My deepest condolences to the family. May they find comfort in the fact that Frank was a local hero and revered man in his community. He will be missed!